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Manufacturers: Is Your Buy-Sell Agreement Up To Date?

Manufacturers: Is Your Buy-Sell Agreement Up To Date?

A buy-sell agreement is a critical tool for owners of closely held manufacturing companies. It ensures an orderly ownership and management transition when an owner dies, becomes disabled, or otherwise leaves the company.

It also creates a market for departing owners’ shares, providing owners and their families with liquidity and ensuring the business stays in the family or other tight-knit ownership group.

Modify the Valuation Provision If Necessary

For a buy-sell agreement to be effective, you need to review it periodically and, if necessary, modify its language to reflect changing circumstances. Of particular importance is scrutinizing the valuation provision, which establishes the purchase price for a departing owner’s shares.

Depending on the mechanism used to value interests in the business, a valuation provision drafted years ago may understate or overstate the company’s value. This can lead to undesirable outcomes or disputes. And the risk is especially acute now, given the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the financial performance — and, therefore, value — of many manufacturing businesses.

Understand the Valuation Approaches

Valuation provisions in buy-sell agreements typically use one or more of the following approaches:


At the time an owner leaves the company, the parties negotiate the buyout price. This approach has some advantages: It’s cost-effective and allows the parties to consider recent events in determining a fair price for the shares of the business.

The risk, of course, is that the parties fail to negotiate in good faith, can’t reach an agreement, and end up in court. One way to mitigate this risk is to provide for a negotiated price but bring in an independent appraiser if the parties are unable to agree within a certain time frame.


Using a valuation formula tied to book value, earnings, or other benchmarks has the advantage of simplicity and predictability. However, it’s also risky. Book value, for example, may reflect a company’s fair market value at formation, but it may significantly undervalue established companies with consistent track records of earnings.

Formulas based on earnings multiples may or may not be reliable indicators of value, depending on a company’s particular circumstances at the time of the valuation. One potential solution is to revisit the formula annually and adjust it to produce a price the parties view as fair.


Valuation by one or more independent professional appraisers at or near the time of the buyout is often the best solution. While there’s some cost involved, it’s generally outweighed by the benefits of determining a purchase price that accurately reflects the value of the business.

Some buy-sell agreements call for periodic appraisals (for example, once every year or two) and use the resulting price for any shares transferred between then and the next valuation date. Others require the parties to conduct an appraisal on the occurrence of a “triggering event,” such as an owner’s death or disability.

Be sure your agreement provides unambiguous valuation guidelines for appraisers. For instance, it should spell out the valuation standard (such as fair market value, fair value, or investment value), premise of value (for example, controlling interest or noncontrolling interest), and the valuation date.

Some agreements provide that the valuation date is the date of the triggering event, but this type of provision can be susceptible to manipulation by an owner who, for example, times his or her resignation to maximize the buyout price. A better approach is to set the valuation date as the last day of an accounting period (for instance, the end of the most recent fiscal year or quarter).

Review Your Agreement

Valuation provisions that rely on independent appraisals typically don’t need to be reviewed as frequently as formula provisions. If your agreement calls for a negotiated buyout price, consider using a different method or providing for an independent appraisal in the event negotiations fail to prevent litigation.

Whichever approach or combination of approaches you and your fellow manufacturing business owners decided on, review your buy-sell agreement regularly. Everyone will benefit from avoiding unpleasant surprises and ensuring the agreement will work as intended to yield a fair price for ownership shares. Contact us with questions. We’d be pleased to help you determine if your buy-sell agreement is in need of an update.

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Biz Tip Topic Expert: Jacob Peters, CPA, MST

Jacob Peters, CPA, MST

Jake is a Principal with SVA Certified Public Accountants. He uses his extensive experience to provide clients with guidance and consulting in areas such as federal and state income tax planning, debt forgiveness, Roth IRA conversions, energy efficiency tax incentives, and multi-state tax compliance.

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