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7 Emerging Trends in the Veterinary Industry

7 Emerging Trends in the Veterinary Industry

As with most industries, the trends in the veterinary industry have changed mostly due to the pandemic.

The trends we have listed below highlight different ways your practice can change or improve communication methods and possibly offer additional services related to vet care. By expanding the ways you can communicate with your patients’ owners and vice versa, you will provide a sense of comfort and accessibility they will value.

7 Veterinary Trends to Watch

1. Telemedicine

Every vet wants to see their patients in person, or in-animal. There may be times when a quick video call could be enough to solve a patient’s problem or allow the vet to see the pet in their own surroundings and make determinations whether an in-animal visit is required. This option would also be useful for pets who don’t like visiting the vet clinic and this method can cut down on unnecessary visits.

2. Two-Way Text Communication

Text messaging has become a powerful communication tool for both businesses and customers. Vet clinics can use text messaging to send appointments and other reminders to customers. Customers can use it to contact their vet with quick questions.

3. Online Scheduling

Giving your customers the ability to schedule appointments online provides convenience to not only them but also the clinic. As customers use this feature, your in-house staff should get fewer phone calls and be able to focus more on helping customers at the clinic, providing them with a better experience. Look for an option that is not only web-based but can combine with an app to provide additional methods for making appointments.

4. Sense of Community

More than ever, people are looking to do business with companies that support their local communities. It gives them a sense that they are helping their community in a roundabout way. This sense of pride will have potential customers looking at how clinics support their community and how they do business overall. Find different ways to get involved locally.

5. Financial Assistance for Clients

Depending on the size of the vet clinic, this trend may not be a viable option. If your practice is not able to offer direct financial assistance to your clients, provide outside options that they can consider so they can make the best choice based on their situation.

6. Practices Will Need a Significant Online Presence

Potential customers are using the internet to search for all their needs, including researching which vet clinic they trust for their pets. Having a web presence is a must. Whether you have a website that showcases your services and additional information about your practice or a page on Facebook, make sure you have a way for existing and potential customers to find you digitally.

7. Pet Insurance Information for Pet Owners

With pet insurance rising in popularity, it’s important that you’re able to provide some basic information to customers who have questions. Look at gathering information from reputable insurance companies offering coverage for pets so you can point customers in the right direction. They will appreciate the gesture and recommendation.

These trends aren't guaranteed to bring in hundreds of clients but with a small investment, some of them will allow you to provide a better customer experience for the owners and keep them coming back.

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Biz Tip Topic Expert: Andy Slinger, CPA

Andy Slinger, CPA

Andy is a Principal with SVA Certified Public Accountants and focuses on the dental, veterinary and healthcare industries. He works with practices to manage their financial matters and set short and long-term goals.

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